Endgame of an Era

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As a civilization we are in the throes of living out an “endgame.” This is not the endgame of our species or any similar dire situation – but the endgame of an era.

Are Minds Confined to Brains?


Materialism is the doctrine that only matter is real. Hence minds are in
brains, and mental activity is nothing but brain activity. This
assumption conflicts with our own experience. When we look at a
blackbird, we see a blackbird; we do not experience complex electrical
changes in our brains. But most of us accept the mind-within-the-brain

Self As City, City As Self

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This year at Burning Man's Entheon Village, I gave a talk on how evolutionary biology, developmental psychology, philosophy, architecture, and art challenge our constructed categories of "individual" and "collective," pointing us toward a new understanding of the self as a multitude and our communities as living, sentient beings.  (Transcript of the talk with links to audio and video…)

Imaginal Hygiene


Imaginal hygiene is the inner art of self-managing the imagination, to defend it from forces that compromise, pollute, and sterilize it, and to cultivate those that illuminate and nourish it. Knowledge of this is essential to the story of human survival into the 21st century.

Living in the Infosphere

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The new, pervasive communications media have pushed us into what mystics have called the etheric realms. Without proper tools and preparation, we can become trapped in a maze of electronically magnified addictions and fears. We must call upon the protector archetypes as we embark on our cyber-shamanic initiation.

The Brain on Jazz

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New scientific findings shed light on the fascinating neurological effects of jazz on the human brain.

Soul Projections


Current research is supporting the phenomenon known as out-of-body experiences. Here are a few techniques to try it out yourself.

Henry Thoreau’s “Secret”

Henry David Thoreau

[Daemonic Dispatches] • "He prays for it, and so he gets it." No, that isn't a line from The Secret. It's a line from Henry Thoreau, just nine words of the over six million he penned in his extraordinary journal. In many ways those nine words encompass Thoreau's central thought and discovery. Despite his distaste for fortune-finding, Thoreau had an uncanny aptitude for discovering treasure.

Discover the transformative power of breathwork: unlock vitality, healing, and self-discovery.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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