Women of Visionary Art: Lifting the Mystical Veil

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For our book Women of Visionary Art, which was recently published by Inner Traditions, we interviewed 18 brilliant and extraordinarily talented female painters about how visionary experiences inspired and influenced their artwork. Here’s a sampling of selected quotes, and beautiful artwork, from the contributors to the book.

The Art of Divine Inebriation: An Interview with Gwyllm Llwydd

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From living next door to the Grateful Dead to a 80s new wave band with iconic guitarist Nels Cline to the psychedelic music, and spoken word stream Radio EarthRites to famed acid blotter art, Gwyllm Lwydd exemplifies a certain kind of renaissance man receiving too little attention in the media, and perhaps in history as well.

Artistic Independence and Social Media: Interview with DIY Multimedia Icon Jean Smith


Feminist multimedia artist, singer, and writer Jean Smith – best known as the singer in the iconic underground rock band Mecca Normal – quit her part time job to sell her paintings online. As she shares her latest paintings on Facebook, she allows her fans to follow the rapid evolution of her work. This is the second in a series of interviews with artists working through Facebook to reach audiences.

Flame Dirt Rust Silk: An Interview with Filmmaker Xander Stewart

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Southern filmmaker photographer poet Xander Stewart creates art with friends in what up until now has been a fairly private way. Xander will be traveling to Los Angeles soon, not only as a filmmaker screening at Platinum Shorts but also for a group photography exhibit at Lethal Amounts, the prestigious DTLA art gallery.

El Gato Chimney show!

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El Gato Chimney “Secret Pacts” 2014 El Gato Chimney’s wild works first caught my eye last year in Stephen Romano Gallery’s witchcraft themed group show, In Missa Interfectionis.

“Iced Flowers” Art Exhibit


This exhibition presents “ICED FLOWERS”, a work to observe the changing life of flowers that are locked in ice. Flowers will show unique expressions that they do not display in everyday life, by placed under such a different environment.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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