Category: Spirituality

The great Hindu god Shiva was the original pothead, the first ever personage of record who is said to have enjoyed cannabis.
To be a liberator is less to unlock the cage that others have placed themselves in, but to rise beyond the cage to the level where the cage cannot exist. That is true freedom.
To age is to understand that you are responsible for gathering gifts and collecting timeless wisdom that you will later share. Only when you are able to stand grounded in your value and speak it will you be prepared to carry the next young woman upon your shoulders.
We find ourselves playing a key role in a cosmic drama. We are not just passive witnesses, but active participants in a momentous, world-transforming spiritual event.
When we are around elephants, something magical, elevating, and awe-inspiring occurs. Simply put, elephants make us happy. They elevate our spirits. They bring peace to our hearts. They make us feel joyous.
When the True Self begins to claim, she claims in different ways. She doesn’t align to prescription, but she aligns to possibility. “What will create the opportunity for my next learning? What will give me joy? What will show me a higher way?”
If the goal of spirituality is integration – persistently examining where we are still asleep, where we are still defended, where we are still inauthentically manifested – then we must explore what the meaning of a pharmaceutical product is to us.
In Zen, there are two domains of reality—the domain of empti­ness and the domain of form. The wave-particle theory of quan­tum physics recognizes two similar domains—the domain of potentiality and the domain of actuality.
Twelve years ago I fell face first into the tutelage of a Zen master named Zephyr. While I’d love to tell you stories of my trials, tribulations, face licks, and cuddles with the great Zephyr, I’d probably be too biased to do him justice. Instead, I’ll step back and let him tell you our story.
Sid had been traversing the bottomless depths of the id, ego and superego with an intense fever for six stormy years.

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