Category: Astrology

Today's astrology features a New Moon in Taurus, plus the entrance of Uranus into Taurus!
In just a few days the planet Uranus will enter the sign of Taurus, changing signs for the first time in 7+ years. Here's what to watch for...
On May 15th, the planet Uranus will enter Taurus and change signs for the first time in 7+ years. Here's what to watch for...
On May 15th, the planet Uranus will enter Taurus and change signs for the first time in 7+ years. Here's what to watch for...
Jupiter is moving into a Trine with Neptune again, just as we prepare for Uranus to enter Taurus. Here's what to watch for...
Mars is conjoining Pluto just as Pluto turns retrograde this week. The last time this happened, it was 2001!
Venus is moving into an enclosure between Saturn and Mars this weekend. Here's what to watch for!
What are the planets doing right now, and what kinds of archetypal forces are at work in the month of April?
The Full Moon this weekend will be taking place in a close square to Mars and Saturn in Capricorn. Here's what to watch for...
This weekend Venus will square Pluto, Mercury will turn retrograde, and the Sun will move into an enclosure between Mars and Saturn. Here's what to watch for!

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