Trump’s Cognitive Decline


Trump’s counterfactualism may not be spin, but at narcissistically disordered personality in cognitive decline desperately trying to maintain its ego self-image.

Living in Dangerous Times

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I consider television, and most recently the development of social media, to be the most powerful mind-control ‘drugs’ that have yet been developed, with their effectiveness at influencing and controlling docile (and often legally sedated) populations unparalleled in human history.

America, Donald Trump, and the Triumph of the Lie

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The Trump victory represents the Triumph of the Lie. And Trump’s victory is the triumph of capitalism. For Donald Trump is the perfect capitalist: selfish, vulgar, bigoted, privileged. The worshipper of Mammon and no other gods.

Twin Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse


Behold the Janus-headed chimera of evil, the clownsnake, Trumputin. (an earlier version of this article was blank, but now it is whole)

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