Apocalypse NO

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Rather than defining humanity as the destroyer of nature, the Anthropocene casts people in an affirmative, long-term role. It is neither about facing an ecological apocalypse, nor harking back to “the good old days.” It is about answering the question of what impact today’s population is having on the Earth in the years 2050, or 2500 or 25000.

Jasun Horsley Takes on Transhumanism

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In his inaugural column on Omni Reboot, RS Author Jasun Horsley goes toe to toe with Ray Kurzweil, challenging the Singularity’s high profile proponent on some of the movement’s fundamental assumptions.

The Evolution of Surveillance, Part 2: Red Queens & Evil Eyes

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As McLuhan was fond of saying, “The sloughed-off environment becomes a work of art in the new invisible environment,” and now in an age of digital surveillance my own point of view becomes an artifact in the transparent ground of a featureless observer, both everyone and no one.

Welcome to the Future Nauseous


We live in a state of manufactured normalcy. There are mechanisms that prevent us from realizing that the future is actually happening as we speak. To really understand how the world is evolving, we need to break through this manufactured field. Unfortunately, that leads to a kind of existential nausea.

Ancient Cosmology: A Map of the Future?


There is a grand cycle to life that affects us all. Having lost this knowledge,
we have lost an understanding of our place in cosmic history.
Like an individual with amnesia, we harbor a deep angst about the future. But
when we remember our rich and beautiful history, we rediscover our incredible
potential and begin to see and act with clarity.

The Future NOW

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Global warming, increased UFO sightings, ASCII code crops up, the healing potential of dolphins, sniffing out disease, and the unbeatable power of texting — the future is now at Arlington Institute's FUTUREditions.

Future Tense


A revolutionary manifesto by famed hactivists Anonymous, strange weather patterns and predictions, drone wars, and a crusade to defy aging are all featured in the current issue of the Arlington Institute's FUTUREditions e-newsletter.

Discover the transformative power of breathwork: unlock vitality, healing, and self-discovery.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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