An Introduction to One Spirit Medicine

one spirit medicine

Explore the transformative journey of a shaman healing from near death, blending ancient wisdom with modern neuroscience – a journey with one spirit medicine.

Psychomagic Recommendations for Society

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Politics, colonialism, revolution, and war are not sufficient means to solve the self-destructive chaos into which humanity plunges more and more; it will have to be spiritually aware individuals who organize to guide people to peace, harmony, and joy-filled living.

Snake Medicine: How Shamanism Heals

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Animistic perspectives, which hold the cosmos as “a being to whom prayers and offerings are made, who is endowed with understanding, agency and sentience, and responds to the actions of humans,” are often dismissed as primitive, yet this account of a healing within the shamanic traditions of the Native American Church and the vegetalistas of the Peruvian Amazon reminds us of how profound healing can be when it arises from indigenous perception of a sentient, living cosmos.

Rick Doblin: Hippie of the Year

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If Rick was going to run an organization dedicated to providing “rigorous scientific evaluation of the risks and benefits” of MDMA, he was going to have to learn how to do rigorous science. He set out to teach himself.

Discover the transformative power of breathwork: unlock vitality, healing, and self-discovery.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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