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Unlock the secrets of cultivating Panaeolus cinctulus mushrooms. Discover its psychedelic properties, identification tips, and expert growing techniques.
Read about psychedelic advocate Chiara Baldini, coordinator of the the Boom Festival and author on ecstatic dance and the feminine in psychedelics.
In a bold move sure to stir controversy, RNC chairman Reince Preibus announced today that he is going to dump the Trump-Pence ticket in favor of Camacho-Smith.
The human-body-environment is increasingly being reconfigured as a site for a new magical animism, as distinct from the previous archaic notion of animism.
Like meditation, sex and rollercoasters, past life regression is an experience. Having and sharing these experiences is often so intoxicating and evocative, you can easily lose yourself in devotion to it.
A recurring temptation in psychology is to consider the latest discovery as something final. What could possibly lie beyond mind-body unity? This attitude is deadly, particularly when we already possess the building blocks for a nonlocal view of consciousness
“Experimental birthmark” describes an Asian custom: the body of a dying person is marked with a substance, most often soot, so that if the individual is reborn the infant’s body will bear a birthmark corresponding to the placement of the mark on the deceased — a death mark becoming a birthmark.
Neil deGrasse Tyson recently came out with a criticism of philosophy, but we need philosophers more than ever -- philosopher-poets who are capable of moving between worlds.
Psychedelia is one of the most essential books in the argument for psychedelic shamanism and self-initiation into metaphysical mysteries—at this critical juncture of the post-internet age.
Rhythmicity is the basis for all you are and all you hope to be. Understanding the influence of multiple integrated and coordinated cycles can vastly increase your self-knowledge.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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