Search Results for: clean air

Learn the top ways to cleanse THC from your system, and get our THC detox checklist to make sure you are clean when you need it most.
I spoke with the artist collective Not An Alternative about their Natural History Museum, a new project that confronts the unsavory influence of corporate cash on science institutions.
Today, the Nile, Colorado, and Yellow Rivers no longer flow to the ocean. Where creeks and streams once ran full of life, there are now only dried veins stitched into the Earth's flesh. We are sucking dry the blood within our own bodies. We are head­ing irrevocably into a disaster. 
Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps recently issued cease and desist letters to top "organic" soap manufacturers in an effort to stabilize an industry bubbling out of control.
Health is the balance between the physical, Etheric, Astral and Mental bodies. We nourish the Etheric body with food that is enlivened with electro-magnetic energy,  clean air, good water, sunlight, positive thoughts and loving feelings.
Unlock the secrets of Chaga, the medicinal mushroom heralded for its health benefits. Explore its history, benefits, and uses in this detailed guide.
A conversation with Stanislav Grof about LSD research and LSD-assisted psychotherapy.
From the lost cities of the Amazon comes a gift, an elixir for the soil that bestows fertility and eco-eternal life, and is a powerful carbon drawdown technology. But are we worthy to receive it?
Living through the heart is where we are all going, sooner or later, someday, in some lifetime. The particulars of how we each arrive at our heart comprise the story of our unique healing journey. That is the story of our spiritual growth in this lifetime.
"And I am divine in my worst hour as much as I am in my best." – John "Jack" Spenser Savage 1989-2013

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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