Search Results for: concept

There are dozens of misconceptions and psychedelic myths. Read our guide to get the top myths debunked and learn the truth.
Consciousness is a real element in the real world. The brain and body do not produce it; they display it. And it does not cease when life in the body does. Consciousness is a reflection, a projection, a manifestation of the intelligence that “in-forms” the world.
You are likely keenly aware of many CBD misconceptions, but let us shine some scientific light on this cannabinoid and how it can support a psychedelic journey.
Organizing the sale of the Liminal Analytics library, I've been struck with the realization that life is so much more than some scribbled lines of text, no matter how beautiful they are.
At any one time we are all tuned in to certain channels of information -- a TV, radio, or internet channel, a book, a newspaper, a dialogue with another person. Psilocybin can tune us in to a hidden broadcast channel -- natural intelligence -- the only paradigm with a future.
Is there a connection between addiction and transcendence? This article explores the bridge between medical models and psychedelic use for recovery.
Explore the transformative power of saunas and sweat lodges in physical detoxification, emotional healing, and deepening consciousness.
Master dosage, set and setting, activities, integration, and crucial safety practices for doing shrooms alone.
Explore the Hundredth Monkey Effect's impact on popular culture and collective consciousness by discovering its origins, evidence, and scientific critique.
The are plenty of sea moss benefits and ways to consume it. Find out what you can expect to gain from sea moss gel, gummies, and supplements.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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