Search Results for: dull portions

Dr. Carl Hart has spent his career researching and educating on the fascinating study of neuropharmacology. Should all drugs be decriminalized?
For twenty years David Charles Plate has explored the mysteries of synchronicity in films and music. Enlightened by his occult and cultural studies, David has brought light to a little understood area of human experience..
Why doesn't "having it all" work, but in this article you will find many things that do work---including the secret of life.
I had come to the High Desert Carnival Realm with a magical agenda: to ritualize the experience by associating the Incendiary Person with aspects of myself that I wanted to transform, aspects I linked to Thanatos, the death drive, so that the burning would parallel my intention to transcend. 
We all know how to breathe, but few people are even aware that the abdomen should expand during inhalation. We're taught to suck in our guts and puff out our chests and are bombarded with stress, which causes muscles to tense and shallow respiration to increase. When you bring air down into the lower portion of the lungs, everything changes.
Dynamic paradoxicalism is my attempt to create a meta-philosophy that is a counter to fundamentalist and absolutist thought, which is nearly as common amongst New Agers and the Left as it is amongst religious fundamentalists and the Right. 
As the multiple crises of money, health, energy, ecology, and more converge upon us, the world is going to collapse for millions of people. We must stand ready to welcome them into the tribe. We must stand ready to welcome them back home.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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