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Santeria - or "the worship of saints" - is gaining ground as a popular religious practice in Cuba. Developed in the African slave communities of the island's 18th Century sugar plantations, it's a syncretic religion adopting elements of Spanish-imposed Catholicism while maintaining the central beliefs of Africa's kidnapped natives.
Jill never thought she would turn to MDMA therapy to heal her PTSD and address lifelong trauma. Read her story and find out what this process can look like.
Discover the ancient Himalayan superfood, Shilajit, and its potential benefits for modern wellness. Learn how to use this powerful resin in your daily life.
Master dosage, set and setting, activities, integration, and crucial safety practices for doing shrooms alone.
In this earnest defense of the recreational use of LSD, the author argues that recreation and therapy often overlap, challenging the stigma against non-medical psychedelics.
This colorful sound is evocative of a stroll along the beach or through a densely wooded forest. But what benefits does green noise offer? Find out here.
Tulum and Oaxaca couldn’t be more different in terms of their cultures surrounding psychedelic tourism. Here’s a glimpse at what to expect.
Explore our review of New Brew, a kratom and kava-infused seltzer, for insights on taste, effects, and optimal consumption times.
Discover 5 creative ways to enjoy Kratom powder with our easy recipes for smoothies, yogurt bowls, energy bites, herbal tea, and a mocktail.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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