Search Results for: kangaroo ground

I discovered Philip Wollen by watching the video of a debate called “Animals Should Be Off the Menu” last May. I was mesmerized by his oratory skills and the passion in which he described the absolute horror that animals live under all over the world.
Through many years of yoga practice, I had developed an easy talent for accessing unusual realms of consciousness. Yet I was aware that another set of tools existed for such attainment. Could eating hashish enable me to -- as the song by the Doors put it -- break on through to the other side? 
We are at Portugal's Boom Festival. Founded in 1997, the biannual festival has evolved into a sacred site for enthusiasts of psychedelic music, art and culture who have descended upon this lakeside location from around the globe.
[Must Not Sleep] • "Stark naked, I wondered what would happen when I was spotted, but the military police made way for me as if I belonged. I paused, looking up at a banner which hung above the entrance: 'GRAB WHOM YOU MUST, DO WHAT YOU WANT.'" Episode 13 of the novel Must Not Sleep, a transformative ride through shamanic space.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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