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The technologies of separation that dominate the world today draw from the story of separation. Technologies of reunion contribute to the reunion of human and nature, mind and body, thought and emotion, matter and spirit, modern and ancient, masculine and feminine.
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes the creative state of mind in which we “want to pursue whatever (we) are doing for its own sake” as “flow.” Engaging in this process develops the maker mindset.
Rather than just enhancing current human thinking skills, is the neurosingularity (the idea that future human brains will surpass ours of today) also likely to increase the kinds and number of our brain-based information systems? How might psychedelics contribute?
With Mercury combust the Sun in Scorpio, it's a good day to talk about sacred anxiety.
Rather than defining humanity as the destroyer of nature, the Anthropocene casts people in an affirmative, long-term role. It is neither about facing an ecological apocalypse, nor harking back to “the good old days.” It is about answering the question of what impact today’s population is having on the Earth in the years 2050, or 2500 or 25000.
Psychic attack is a real as any other invisible illness. Chronic fatigue syndrome, paranoia, obsessive compulsive disorder are all diseases of vague origin. What matters is your ability to change the game with conviction and redefine yourself.
Is the ubiquity of camera phones having a ruinous effect on photography? Throughout the ages, new technologies are always said to be the ruin of something. The best camera is the one you have with you.
It is an amazing time to be a visionary creative person. One day in the not too distant future there will be large cultural attractions bringing participants from all over the world. Gratifly is one such attraction.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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