Search Results for: Anne Frank

Professor Heisenberg has been working feverishly on his retrocausation experiments. He says that he has actually been able to digitally hack into the past and manipulate Facebook status updates a quarter of a century before the Trumpocalypse...
A recurring temptation in psychology is to consider the latest discovery as something final. What could possibly lie beyond mind-body unity? This attitude is deadly, particularly when we already possess the building blocks for a nonlocal view of consciousness
Some believe that without free will, we are mere biological instruments, with no soul.  But from a nondual perspective, this argument is theologically backward. The autonomous soul isn't the gateway to God; it's the gateway to delusion.  This is the yetzer hara, the selfish, separating and, occasionally, evil inclination that sees the self as the center of the universe. 
Dealing with death is one of life's greatest challenges. Can psychedelics help patients and loved ones face death?
Learn about Joe Rogan, a stand-up comic, mixed martial arts fanatic, psychedelic trailblazer, and host of the Joe Rogan Experience.
Learn about the life and career of filmmaker/actor Dennis Hopper. From his psychedelic directorial debut in Easy Rider to his art and photography career.
For twenty years David Charles Plate has explored the mysteries of synchronicity in films and music. Enlightened by his occult and cultural studies, David has brought light to a little understood area of human experience..
The present Hilma af Klint exhibition at the Guggenheim is not the same old art for art's sake. This is art for the sake of imprinting, and even initiating viewers into higher realms of consciousness.
Back in the day, people feared that grandmama might fall victim to a familiar masquerading as a cat or fly. Now, we fear that grandma will fall prey to fake news or a scam spread by a bot. Familiar Shapes, a documentary in production by Heather D. Freeman, explores surprising similarities between bots and familiars.
The 5th Drone Cinema Film Festival, featuring cutting-edge digital media artists working in dronge, glitch, and industrial ambient sound art, owes its existence to Kim Cascone. Best known for musical compositions, Kim released more than fifty records since 1984, and his indie label Silent Records serves as a cutting edge digital distribution hub for electronic sound art.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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