Search Results for: accomplice

Continuing forward from the launch of Decolonize Consciousness Evolver Learning Labs in November 2014, we will be having a follow up discussion focusing on the topic of Spiritual Bypassing.
Americans who, under the rubric of conservatism, oppose nutrition assistance to children also tend to deny the looming devastation of global climate change, the human costs of an inept healthcare system, the negative consequences of a constricted view of consciousness, and the dangerous costs of denying biological evolution. This is very troubling.
War is really an epidemic of madness. It is an irrational phenomenon that can’t be stopped or controlled with rational arguments, for its source is the shared unconscious of humanity.
If a leader declares war as the only recourse, they cannot lead, for they do not hold life sacred within their hearts. If a leader promotes the rapacious profiteering of a very few at the expense of the many, they cannot lead, for they have been corrupted by the rot of power-lust and aggrandizement.
The artist is a shaman. The artist's role, especially in the West, has always been to alter the state of consciousness of the viewer, and to force the big Other, the collective superego, to face its own shadow -- as well as to face the super-consciousness, the One that is beyond the Other, that it denies.
A divine experiment has gone wrong due to anomalous, unforeseen conditions that did not factor into the original set-up of the experiment as Sophia previsioned it. It is what we of the human species could do here on earth, by way of creating a free, cooperative social order, if we were to realize our divine potential and achieve it according to the designs and purposes of the resident divinity, Gaia-Sophia.
As we shed light on wetiko, and become sensitive to its movements within ourselves, there is no place for the spirit to hide. The spirit of wetiko needs to be 'contained'; this is the archetypal point behind the sacred alchemical idea of a mystical vessel which transforms the entire universe. Part Three in a series.
Over the last decade the cultural figure known as the “hipster” has increasingly turned into a target of scorn, despite an apparent disagreement over what the term means and to whom it refers. This semi-mythological character reveals our own compliance with barbaric totalitarianism, a fault we’ve been projecting onto others.
We are at Portugal's Boom Festival. Founded in 1997, the biannual festival has evolved into a sacred site for enthusiasts of psychedelic music, art and culture who have descended upon this lakeside location from around the globe.
While in Mexico, I searched for a good wizard. Then a friend spoke to me of the famous Pachita, a small, good eighty-year-old woman. People came from far away to consult her in the hope of being healed. I was very moved by the prospect of meeting this famous sorceress, so I prepared myself for this.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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