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Discover the critical role of set and setting in the world of psychedelics. Explore how these factors profoundly influence the outcome of your journey.
Allowing Eros in our hearts and bodies probably will not happen in the midst of traumatic or life-threatening situations. However, as soon as possible after the emergency passes, the body and psyche need the comfort and healing salve of Eros.
After ayahuasca taught him to connect with divine energy, guitarist John Sheldon found a scintillating focus for his life’s work, writing songs that tell a new story about wolves in North America—and how we can save them from extinction.
There was a time when all it took to escape the spectacle was to turn off the TV and go for a drive in the country. Today it is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how one could free oneself from the entanglements of artifice. Social media, for instance, is an infrastructure designed for the express purpose of serving as the universal intercessor of all human relationships.
If we could see the entire Earth as a garden—as a living but damaged paradise, worthy of love and admiration—we could then act as gardeners, working in collaboration with the soul of the world. In this role, we could creatively participate in the cultivation of all life, and help to restore nature’s beauty, fertility, and resilience where it has been lost.
I am aware of the points of contact of the body with something else; I am aware if there is a tension in a muscle; I am aware if I feel pain somewhere; I am aware of the heart beating or of the breathing. But all these are like dots. If I say that I am aware of the shape of the body, I am putting a line across all these dots and saying that is the shape. But it is not me. It is an assumption, an image.
As the theatrical debut of Errol Morris’s new documentary on Donald Rumsfeld approaches, I offer my reflection on the former Secretary of Defense.
Beacon Hill, Seattle will be home to the nation's first food forest - a seven-acre permaculture project providing fruits and vegetables for anyone taking a stroll in the area.
I cupped my hands over my ears and saw myself curled into the fetal position, disoriented and trying to escape. But escape from what, exactly? Not the effects of the ayahuasca or the visions, but something deeper, something residing at my core: the malignant feeling of being insignificant and alone in a universe far too vast and viscious for me to make headway. 
What would happen if we could arrange a hundred million people, at thousands of parties across the planet, dancing at the same time, to the same rhythms?  Might this trigger transcendental chaos, the unified heartbeat of the human spirit?

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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