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When we are around elephants, something magical, elevating, and awe-inspiring occurs. Simply put, elephants make us happy. They elevate our spirits. They bring peace to our hearts. They make us feel joyous.
I began a journey with Nepal and her people in 1993 and was straightaway humbled and magnetized by the culture, larger-than-life mythologies and warm-hearted hospitality.
What if we took lust and desire seriously as a form of wisdom and meaning, not just chemical response? What if lust is a sort of faithfulness? What if lust is the ideal of love and not the other way around?
Allowing Eros in our hearts and bodies probably will not happen in the midst of traumatic or life-threatening situations. However, as soon as possible after the emergency passes, the body and psyche need the comfort and healing salve of Eros.
Due to the general legal prohibition and modern cultural taboo against psychoactive chemicals, the academic discipline of Philosophy has left a potentially bounteous field of enquiry virtually unharvested.
This possibility of hope in the face of clear and present danger to the biosphere is an opportunity not to be squandered in prohibition on the one hand, or in uninhibited silliness on the other. In my kindest moments I see humankind vis à vis psychedelics and their uses as very much in the monkeys-discovering-fire phase.
Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat major Op. 73 is the prototype of concerting perfection. The orchestra being the woman; the piano, the man; their music together, lovemaking.
While Tolkien might be surprised to find his fantasy works compared with the enthnography of Amazonian Indians drinking psychoactive brews, his depictions of characters singing over plant medicine in the forest reminds us how the Amazonian shaman will icarar the marirí of the plants into manifestation in the world.
At the beginning of the ceremony, I had asked the ayahuasca to fill me with the medicine teachings. Later on as I lay suffused with radiant love, as I felt an infinite and perfect compassion for all beings, the ayahuasca said to me "This is the highest of all the medicine teachings."
Carlos Castaneda was called "the godfather of the New Age" by Time magazine. He has also been denounced as a hoaxer, opportunist, and liar. But there is simply too much in the books of obvious merit for me to believe that he made it all up.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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