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For twenty years David Charles Plate has explored the mysteries of synchronicity in films and music. Enlightened by his occult and cultural studies, David has brought light to a little understood area of human experience..
A week after recreational sales become legal in Washington State, Seattle, I happened to be in the area and decided to go in for some first-hand knowledge.
The steps in several states and countries toward cannabis legalization implies a release of the mentality of control: interdiction, punishment, and psychological conditioning.
The following originally appeared on The Morning News. 
At each moment of time—the Now—you stand at the gateway to an infinite number of possible futures in higher dimensional space. This gateway is the Choice Point.
Legendary graffiti artist RAMMELLZEE bombs the structures of the sneering hierarchy and levels the playing field, affirming truth as immanent in every moment and materializable through language.
Every great movement has its sound, and every great epoch has its backing tracks. With his fourth album, Visurreal, the West Coast DJ and musical avatar crafts a masterpiece that captures the quintessence of the spiritual healing journey, by offering his own.
These personal accounts capture life at Zuccotti Park, as experienced by a young Civil Rights attorney and mother who arrived at the Occupy Wall Street protests a skeptic, but who was quickly pulled in by the excitement of witnessing a new movement being birthed.
If a leader declares war as the only recourse, they cannot lead, for they do not hold life sacred within their hearts. If a leader promotes the rapacious profiteering of a very few at the expense of the many, they cannot lead, for they have been corrupted by the rot of power-lust and aggrandizement.
We are at Portugal's Boom Festival. Founded in 1997, the biannual festival has evolved into a sacred site for enthusiasts of psychedelic music, art and culture who have descended upon this lakeside location from around the globe.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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