Search Results for: guys sneak

What the current pipeline dispute in North Dakota is really all about is how we, as the human family, wish to live in the twenty-first century. Two very different philosophies and lifeways are at issue, one deeply connected to spirit and the sacred beauty of Mother Earth, the other utterly disconnected, regarding the material realm as nothing more than an economic resource.
Dogs are like the moon within a solar vessel, cats the sun within a lunar vessel. Dogs are the yin within the yang, the anima of the animus; cats the yang within the yin, animus of the anima.
As the LSD and DMT met, they dissolved my body into a hundred-thousand electric bees and with the Snap, Crackle and Pop I was thrust into a giant domed structure the size of a sports stadium.
In 2008, I met a psilocybin and cancer therapist and my life changed. Now there is a documentary film called The Medicine: Science and Psychedelics. It depicts psilocybin as a form of palliative end-of-life care.  I sat down with producer and director Roslyn Dauber to discuss the film and to help promote these important psychedelic research projects.
Jack Kerouac called from a phone booth while his friends Allen Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky anxiously paced outside. "Hello, I'd like to meet with Dr. Suzuki . . . Right NOW!" The scholar's secretary told him to be there in a half hour. Elated, the three friends skipped down First Avenue to hail a cab.
In 2010 I suffered from two intense 3-day fevers. One came at the Summer Solstice eclipse, during the time of the Cardinal Grand Cross, and the other just this past week at the Winter Solstice eclipse. Looking back at these events and their painful but ultimately beautiful effect on my life and the lives of my clients, friends and family, I feel well prepared for the Astrology of 2011.
The date was July 25, 2003. I was somewhat in denial of the fact that I was about to sit down with Robert Anton Wilson, philosopher/magician/cantankerous old codger, and conduct an interview with what felt like no prep at all...

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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