Search Results for: kiến trúc

Join Dr. Becca S. Tarnas for an imaginal journey through J.R.R. Tolkien's magnum opus, The Lord of the Rings. An online, interactive 7-part course. It all starts Monday, September 24th at 8 p.m. EST / 5 p.m. PST.
You awaken from uneasy dreams and reach for your smartphone, its myriad pixels illuminating within Gorilla glass and screen-protective laminates as your awareness resumes inside the Facebook Matrix.
Why doesn't "having it all" work, but in this article you will find many things that do work---including the secret of life.
The Trumpocalypse is the collective Truman Show denouement, the singularity invoking moment that reveals we are living in a simulated matrix.
Animistic perspectives, which hold the cosmos as “a being to whom prayers and offerings are made, who is endowed with understanding, agency and sentience, and responds to the actions of humans,” are often dismissed as primitive, yet this account of a healing within the shamanic traditions of the Native American Church and the vegetalistas of the Peruvian Amazon reminds us of how profound healing can be when it arises from indigenous perception of a sentient, living cosmos.
The popularity of monster hunting culture in the demon blood-soaked West comes from its prehistoric psychedelic origins, when our ancestors freely indulged in visionary plants and found themselves living in the enchanted world of laughing fairies.
The popular response to HBO’s Game of Thrones series made me wonder if the characters and themes carry an archetypal resonance more substantive than that of other current fare. The show’s characters embody something ancient, yet familiar. I began to see parallels between the Game of Thrones panoply and the celestial archetypes.
Despite the recent surge in popularity of the vine, the subtle occult and metaphysical aspects of ayahuasca—for those who have dedicated their entire life to understanding and working with it—still needs further exploration.
A cursory view of video game history demonstrates the pervasive historical and real world applications of shamanism and sorcery that lie latent in many popular titles masquerading as mere fiction.
Apparently there was an age of androgyny during Paleolithic times. Relations between the sexes were egalitarian, and life-affirming values were celebrated, but this was wiped out and replaced by dominator, patriarchal societies that still rule.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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