Search Results for: natural fat

Professor Raphael Mechoulam, the "Father of Cannabis Research," disclosed his most recent discovery: cannabidiolic acid methyl ester (EPM301).
The invisible seamstress of fate has recently turned the plot inside what comes next?
Ever since his youth William Burroughs had been intrigued by magic and the occult, reading the Egyptian and Tibetan Books of the Dead and Eliphas Levi’s History of Magic while he was at Harvard. Evidently, with his return from the Old World to the New, he had not left such interests behind.
Isis Aquarian was right-hand woman to Father Yod, leader of the Source Family commune, an Aquarian community based in Hollywood and Hawaii in the 1970s. A contemporary resurgence of interest in Aquarian community has led to a film. In this interview, Isis recounts her years with the Family.
The human body is not attracted to what is harmful to it. Our bodies give us signs -- "symptoms" -- to let us know that some sort of input is not conducive to optimal functioning. Being in tune with the natural world is key to well being. So, how does this relate to sweeteners?
[Must Not Sleep] • "In a way, you could say that it's impossible to know who Dick is, or how many Dicks there really are. Maybe there are endless Dicks in the universe, morphing from one tyrannical father figure to another." Episode 15 of the novel Must Not Sleep, a transformative ride through shamanic space.
Is there a connection between addiction and transcendence? This article explores the bridge between medical models and psychedelic use for recovery.
What’s the difference between hemp and marijuana? Does hemp show up on a drug test? Find out here, plus our best recommendations for how to pass any drug test.
How long does DMT stay in your system and what are the effects on the body and brain? Find out now.
Explore the connection between Passover, Moses' burning bush encounter, and the possible role of psychedelics in this biblical narrative.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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