Search Results for: outstanding quality

Once the late ’60s boom in acid culture and acid cinema had dissipated, the psychedelic movie became another component of the fringe and the experimental, something to recur and be revived at intervals, a pattern that continues into the present.
Explore the transformative journey of a shaman healing from near death, blending ancient wisdom with modern neuroscience - a journey with one spirit medicine.
The ideological fixation on the physical brain will eventually yield to a transpersonal, nonlocal dimension of consciousness. When this happens within neuroscience, the Source will be recognized and we will wonder how we could have been so blind.
Jack Kerouac called from a phone booth while his friends Allen Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky anxiously paced outside. "Hello, I'd like to meet with Dr. Suzuki . . . Right NOW!" The scholar's secretary told him to be there in a half hour. Elated, the three friends skipped down First Avenue to hail a cab.
The impasse in our ability to convert nature into commodities and relationships into services is not temporary. There is no more room for the conversion of life into money. Postponing the collapse will only make it worse. We need to shift our perspective toward what we can give. What can we each contribute to a more beautiful world? That is our only security.
A divine experiment has gone wrong due to anomalous, unforeseen conditions that did not factor into the original set-up of the experiment as Sophia previsioned it. It is what we of the human species could do here on earth, by way of creating a free, cooperative social order, if we were to realize our divine potential and achieve it according to the designs and purposes of the resident divinity, Gaia-Sophia.
The author is invited to join a progressive coalition to monitor the 2004 election, and finds himself in the middle of the third stolen election in four years.
This week on Souldish enjoy The Spirit of Sound, Globalfest 2010 for world music, and “Tryptophantasia”, an animation film screening.
Psychedelics are back in the labs, where researchers hope to develop treatments for chronic depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and drug and alcohol dependency.
How many friends do you have who died in childbirth? Can you imagine one in seven, as it would be if you lived in northern Afghanistan? What does "reproductive freedom" mean in an environment where mothers are dying in childbirth on a regular basis?

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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