Search Results for: sacred spot

Read this excerpt of The Psilocybin Solution: The Role of Sacred Mushrooms in the Quest of Meaning to learn about psychologist Timothy Leary.
A Sacred Regimen is a formal agreement you make with yourself to carry out a sacrifice to enhance your life and serve the greater good.
The more they are used, the more precious they become. You may find yourself physically drawn to them, actually sensing their energy. With practice, you can refine your capacity to sense the energy in these special objects.
New Years in a propitious time to take on the Sacred Regimen--- a powerful developmental practice if you have the will and the skill to carry it out in the right way.
By being aware of the environmental impact of our gear, and then experimenting with alternatives or abstaining completely, we can make our backcountry experience more intentional. This kind of awareness allows us to harmonize more deeply with our Mother Earth.
The union of the Sun and the Moon is recurrent in philosophies and myths world-wide. Realms of consciousness hidden to us in our daily lives are perfectly represented by the corona of the Sun in union with the Moon. A total solar eclipse signifies an alchemical exchange of phases of consciousness, a peak psychocultural experience, while a whole new social event has come into being as a highly specialised traveller phenomenon.
Applying the principles of resonance to unlock the secrets of Scotland's Rosslyn chapel, Richard Merrick finds evidence that the orbital pattern of Venus was once used as a "temple template" to design psychoacoustical chambers capable o...
Most of this book has been about money, which is the usual subject of “economics” today. On a deeper level, though, economics should be about things, specifically the things that human beings create, why they create them, who gets to use them, and how they circulate.
The personal and planetary mirror each other. The connection is more than mere analogy: the kind of work that we force ourselves to do is precisely the kind of work that despoils the planet. We don't really want to do it to our bodies; we don't really want to do it to the world.
The lie of separation in the age of usury is now complete. We have explored its farthest extremes, and have seen the deserts and the prisons, the concentration camps and the wars, the wastage of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Now, the capacities we have developed through our long journey will serve us well in the imminent Age of Reunion.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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