Search Results for: vehicles locked

The most practical application of psychedelics is as a tool for examining differentiated states of consciousness, and ultimately for investigating the basis of consciousness itself. This was the promise of psychedelics that first created such tremendous interest within the scientific community before research was effectively banned in the early 1970's.
This expose dives into the Chinese classic 太乙金華宗旨, The Secret of the Golden Flower, or as Cleary translates it “turning around the light.”
I remember when he raced up six flights of stairs, twenty minutes after we had parted, knocking on my door, breathless, to give me the gift of a strange potted plant with rubbery, green flowers. I thought the plant was ugly, but found the gesture beautiful.
We have tried occupying Wall Street. Now let us create new streets without walls. Wall Street will fall of its own dead weight. Let us choose the unknown, not the known exhausted ways of the past; let us give Gaia a good reason to allow us to continue our project of conscious existence as beings of peace, benevolence, and loving unity.
Jack Kerouac called from a phone booth while his friends Allen Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky anxiously paced outside. "Hello, I'd like to meet with Dr. Suzuki . . . Right NOW!" The scholar's secretary told him to be there in a half hour. Elated, the three friends skipped down First Avenue to hail a cab.
These personal accounts capture life at Zuccotti Park, as experienced by a young Civil Rights attorney and mother who arrived at the Occupy Wall Street protests a skeptic, but who was quickly pulled in by the excitement of witnessing a new movement being birthed.
I learned from thirty years of ESP experimentation and meditation that it is no more difficult to see psychically across the planet than it is to see across the room.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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