Ayahuasca: An Ethnopharmacologic History


We may try to desacralize the tea and render it down to a matter of chemistry and botany, receptor sites and pharmacology, but none of these things will ever explain the undeniable and profound mystery that is ayahuasca.

The Second Psychedelic Revolution Part One: The End of Acid

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The psychedelic movement is now entering a renaissance. How did this psychedelic revolution come about? What are its goals and its ideals? Are they different from the first psychedelic revolution of the 1960’s, or is this just fashion reinventing itself?

Tom Waits Meets Super Joel


The anonymous Vietnam War protester who was photographed placing a flower in the barrel of a
National Guardsman's rifle later appeared in a lyric by Tom Waits: "Joel Tornabene lies
broken on the wheel…"

The 2nd Annual Ayahuasca Monologues


We are pleased to announce that ayahuasquero and healer from Native American traditions, Manuel Rufino, will be joining our lineup of storytellers this Thursday.

Tales From the Darkside

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The new Daily Grail antholgy, Darklore looks beyond the veil, exploring hidden histories, the paranormal, the esoteric, the strange and revelatory.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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