Articles by: Darrin Drda

Has the rise of information technology and the expansion of what was originally the military-industrial complex substantially improved our lives? The jury’s still out on that.
Comedians can expose what is normally hidden. A recent example of this comes from Louis CK, who says “Underneath everything in your life is that thing, that empty… forever empty.” Viktor Frankl called it the existential vacuum.
The Internet still holds promise as a tool for positive political, social, and even evolutionary transformation. Yet like all tools, it can be used to help or harm, create or control, empower or imprison.
Occupy Love began as an investigation of global warming, then a wave of revolutions swept across the Arab world and Europe, finally crashing on American soil in the form of Occupy Wall Street. In each case, Velcrow was there to capture events on film.
In presentations, interviews, panel discussions, and breakout sessions, the role of spirituality in business and society was explored from every angle — almost. One question that hung heavily in the ether above the privileged participants was this: Is Wisdom 2.0 really an upgrade?
Daniel Northcott was an artist, a filmmaker, and above all, a visionary. Though Daniel passed away in 2009, his documentary finally came to life in 2023.
Burning questions filled my mind and appeared on my Facebook page after my return from Black Rock City. I had a hard time making sense of the default world and understanding why I should participate in it. Inasmuch as I was able to maintain a consistent thought, it was this: What, exactly, is the point of it all?
Commencement means beginning. The word is synonymous with start, onset, outset, inception, and initiation. Thus under ordinary circumstances, I would be expected to tell you about the glorious future that awaits you on the other side of tomorrow’s hangover. But this speech will not be ordinary, because these times are anything but ordinary. 
Just outside my door at Norbulingka in northern India was a magnificent rendering of the Bhavachakra, the Wheel of Suffering. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed that American culture is a charicature of the human condition, similar to the one in the Tibetan painting.  The cartoonist in me couldn't resist.
The current global crisis represents the greatest challenge our species has ever faced. The very structures that support life are being rapidly dismantled, and our daunting challenge is to come together to engage our collective wisdom, compassion, and creativity to preserve as much life as possible. This requires an authentic, heroic humility.

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