Articles by: David Kupfer

In Iraq, I was the first North American they had ever seen who was not carrying around an M16 rifle. They wanted to know about me, they'd ask a lot of questions. They would take me into their homes where they hid during the bombings, to their hospitals, mosques, and to meet musicians, performers, writers.
Fifteen years ago, Dr. Jill Bolt Taylor lost the left-hemisphere functioning of her brain due to a stroke. What she learned first-hand is changing the way doctors look at brain trauma. In this interview, she encourages us not to wait for a stroke to cultivate our "inner peace circuitry." 
"We are taught as leaders not to take away hope from the people," says Lyons, a Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan. "If you're going to bring hard news, you better bring something else with it. Indians can't do much, there is just a handful of us. We do have some ideas and some instruction. We still know how to pray. As long as we keep the ceremonies, we are going to hold on."
One of the world's quintessential activists, Pete Seeger has had an epic life, full of amazing contributions to our culture and politics. But he is also a modest soul, dedicated to getting audiences to join in and sing along at his performances. An inspiration to generations of musicians, I visited him just before his 90th birthday at his home overlooking the Hudson River.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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