Articles by: Eliezer Sobel

Her central tool was the 5Rhythms® worldwide movement practice, to which she devoted most of her life. She called upon the 5Rhythms to physically launch people’s bodies into motion, but in service to their souls.
I vividly remember the intensity and significance of our first meeting.  He would often do an exercise with new students that involved sitting across from one another, eyeball to eyeball, with the instruction, "Anything that comes into your mind that you don't want to share with me, share with me." 
Reports have appeared of people who see Avatar and fall into depression at their inability to access a world as beautiful and spiritual as Pandora, the mythical planet depicted in the film. But before you join a PADS support group, consider the lessons of LSD.
When I realized my email account was lost, I went through Elizabeth Kubler Ross's well-known Five Stages of Grief. It couldn't possibly, really, all be gone, could it? Nah. Yes, it could, and it was.
Context is everything, and it literally determines which "me" shows up. I have seen this again and again in various roles over the years. But context can also work against us.
Oh, sure, I thought. I'll take an hour out of my day and pay you a fee, open myself up and pour my heart out, and then stop midstream to either listen to you talk to your residents or else take a call myself from my friend Marty in California . . . No, I don't think so.
At the end of the day, suffering comes down to our steadfastly holding to a core point of view that who we are, and how life is, should be different. This is the lens through which we view existence, and rather than change the lens, we perpetually rearrange the picture via the various and exotic forms of our seeking.
For many of us, the very real evolution of our awareness moves from the unexamined assumption of a victim mentality that blames others, life itself or God for everything that happens, to the astounding and liberating insight that we are responsible for our experience of reality.
Zen-ish people are always saying "This is it, there's nothing to get, it's all here now," but I never really thought they meant it! Did they really mean this is as good as it gets? Surely they must be referring to some other version of this that will come along later, once I really understand that "this is it, here and now."

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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