Articles by: Mitch Horowitz

There really is room for a conversation between physicists and students of metaphysics. We just have to be reasonable — and patient on both sides. If we can do that, the payoff may be extraordinary.
Shannon Taggart is a spirit photographer who's traveled the globe, from séances to voodoo rituals to channeling sessions, seeking to capture the ineffable on film. Here I ask Shannon about some of her experiences of the unknown, and offer a sampling of her photographs.
New Age royalty Ptolemy Tompkins is the acclaimed writer of Paradise Fever, and other books on Mesoamerican spirituality, the mysticism of nature, and the question of extra-physical survival. In this interview, I ask him about the reality of heaven and hell, how to verify life after death, and the spiritual practice of underlining things in books.
Robert Damon Schneck is, in my view, today’s most literate and discriminating historian of Fortean phenomena.
I am interested in formulating a tough-minded, intellectually defensible, and useful distillation of New Thought ideas. But make no mistake: I am not interested in intellectualizing New Thought. I am interested in using it. And, if I’m able, in helping my neighbor to do the same.
There is no simple way of dismissing or proscribing positive thinking. Personal testimony, the experience of the individual, is a vital element in understanding spiritual self-help.
Many of us engage in superstitious rituals -- like saying "God Bless You" when someone sneezes, or exercising extreme caution around mirrors -- without being able to explain why. In the video series "Origins: Superstitions," filmmaker Ronni Thomas and I explore the origins of some of the most enduring superstitions.
As the 1950s wore on, the occult could seem like something of a spent force in American life. Foes of Spiritualism had exposed one mediumistic fraud after another. By the end of the decade, the occult could appear to be little more than an amalgam of eccentrics and loners. A new voice was needed. And it arrived just as the cusp of the 1960s came into sight.

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Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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