Articles by: Morgan Maher

Entheogen pioneer Peter Gorman got bit really bad by a jungle bug this summer. He picked up three different staph infections and damn near lost his leg. You can help.
Originating from the healing dances of the Plains Indians, the Round Dance is a dance of joy and happiness, kinship and harmony. Indigenous people are gathering in cities, towns, malls, plazas, roads and railways across the planet to dance, sing and stand up for human rights and decency. 
All plants are psychoactive. Everything has a spirit. You can learn a lot from arugula – even more from cacao, or from an elder like maize. What we place inside ourselves transforms us.
Energizing, visionary, high-tech, campfire ghost stories. Part academia, intimate conversation, and tribal gathering – each session whirls my mind wider, bursts my heart open, fuels me further.
Guided by architect Michael Reynolds, 40 local Haitians aged four to 50 built an earthquake-proof, hurricane-resistant, ultra-sustainable building from waste materials in just four days.
In the words of Dennis McKenna, Peter Gorman has "been way, way beyond the chrysanthemum on many a dark jungle night." Gorman's long awaited book Ayahuasca in My Blood: 25 Years of Medicine Dreaming tells the story of his long, deep relationship with ayahuasca. This book review, and an interview with the author, sets up camp to explore the edges of an astonishing journey.
Criminal charges against Taita Juan have been dropped, and arrangements are being made for his return to Colombia.
Indigenous Colombian healer Juan Agreda Chindoy was arrested for possession of his traditional medicine and is now facing up to 20 years in federal prison. Read more to see how you can help.
"It is time for First Nations people to stand up and declare solidarity, and take back the guardianship of this planet." This interview with Jyoti (Jeneane Prevatt, Ph.D.) tells the story of The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, how they came to be, where they are now, and their plans for the future.
Steve Beyer is the author of Singing to the Plants: A Guide to Mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon. In this interview we go a little deeper into the forest, exploring shamanism, ayahuasca, and the importance of building right relationship.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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