Articles by: Paul Selig

Realization is knowing, and when you know what you need, that is what you claim. You don’t claim what you don’t require, you don’t learn the lessons that are not necessary.
To be a liberator is less to unlock the cage that others have placed themselves in, but to rise beyond the cage to the level where the cage cannot exist. That is true freedom.
When the True Self begins to claim, she claims in different ways. She doesn’t align to prescription, but she aligns to possibility. “What will create the opportunity for my next learning? What will give me joy? What will show me a higher way?”
How do you align to change, but to agree to it and not witness in fear. When the storm clouds come, when the earth reveals her secrets, they are never convenient and they are always required.
This text was channelled before an audience in Calgary, Alberta, on the morning after the shootings in Orlando, Florida.
You cannot reason with the darkness. All you do then is enter into it, and what is the purpose there? How does one encounter darkness? By knowing who you are.
The Divine as you, as you align to it, holds all you need. You can’t understand how amazing you are when you’re looking for yourself under a bush somewhere.
You self-identify through the things you see before you. You know your name because somebody says it. You know your identity because you were told who you were by other people. If there was nobody to say your name, who would you be?
As you claim your Christed Self as you truly are, the vibration that you will hold and are agreeing to take as you, is higher than you have known.
The awakened self seeks to bring up each aspect of the self to its own awareness, so your entire life may be lifted and supported in your awareness of who and what you are.

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