Articles by: Shunyamurti

Jung thought we have four psychic functions: thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuition. It is more often asserted nowadays that humans have seven or more kinds of intelligence.
A mass transmutation is occurring on our planet, leading to the emergence of a new kind of transhuman being: the Entheopolitan. The complex dissipative environment in which this shape shift is happening has unintended consequences.
To understand the play of surface events in the world -- whether social and political upheavals, natural cataclysmic events and gradual shifts such as climate change, or unpredictable and uncanny events in one's personal life -- it is necessary to understand the deep play of the Supreme Intelligence that underlies and pervades reality.
We are in the midst of an extraordinary evolutionary mega-mutation. Humans are evolving into a new species; not just a slightly improved animal, an almost inconceivably different variety of non-carbon-based life forms.
We have tried occupying Wall Street. Now let us create new streets without walls. Wall Street will fall of its own dead weight. Let us choose the unknown, not the known exhausted ways of the past; let us give Gaia a good reason to allow us to continue our project of conscious existence as beings of peace, benevolence, and loving unity.
Silence is our psi lens. Only in inner silence can the source of consciousness be realized. This ultimate source is the key to understanding reality. Our current form of science lacks this key. We must create a true and complete psience in place of our defective materialist object-centric science. 
Many people still want to waste time arguing over how serious a crisis is this really, or whether any leader can be trusted to guide us through the transition, or if renunciation of egoic jouissance is a necessary part of a redemptive path, or whether grace will simply descend upon us all one day. Thankfully, there is no more time for such barren debates.
The tragic sense is the power behind religion. God is an impossible concept. This has led, on the one hand, to rampant agnosticism and, on the other, to the silence of the Buddha. Today, instead of recognizing and accepting impossibility, we defiantly demand the impossible.
The ego is adept at seducing us into a state of self-righteousness. It is this that enables us to justify a turn to violence. If we fall into an urban guerilla war scenario, the proverbial gates of Hell will open. Perhaps it is our karma for this to happen, but it is not too late to repent and take a higher road and hold a vision of loving inclusiveness, of universal peace.
The artist is a shaman. The artist's role, especially in the West, has always been to alter the state of consciousness of the viewer, and to force the big Other, the collective superego, to face its own shadow -- as well as to face the super-consciousness, the One that is beyond the Other, that it denies.

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