Articles by: Steven Taylor

Where there is oppression there is paradox. Trickster feminism is a mode of disarming paradox by performing it. It’s a both/and-neither/nor ontology. It is trans-genus. "No fixed feminine, no fixed constituents cut through this body of difference. . . ."
The microcephaly now reported in thousands of babies in Brazil, which the media have attributed to the mosquito-borne Zika virus, may not be caused by a virus after all.
Dance involves personal transmission from one practitioner to another, and it spans generations, like Indian classical music, like the living ancient arts of all cultures, like Buddhist teachings.
Burroughs’s transgressive prose works aimed at naming and defeating demons. Language is a form of magic that can triumph over control.
In September of 2014, through a mutual friend, I met Myztico Campo in his Brooklyn studio. I was very much taken with his paintings. We talked about doing an article for RS. I did some research about his life and work in various media and was struck by parallels in our respective life experiences. The interview turned out to be more of a conversation.
Richard Linklater’s latest film, Boyhood, follows the character of Mason from the age of six until he arrives at college. This movie is unique in that we see the kids grow up and the parents enter middle age over the 12 years it took shoot the film.
While mainstream press venues, government officials, and TV talking heads speculate hopelessly about the "why" of mass killings, one factor linking hundreds of cases of bizarre violence is repeatedly overlooked. One source, however, has connected the dots. This story needs to go viral. Now.
After the Halloween hurricane stranded us in Brooklyn, sent our Lower East Side allies scrambling northwestward, and gave the better half of Manhattan neither power nor heat nor access to food and water, a few of us gathered to celebrate the comeback of ...
The Allen Ginsberg Estate is about to re-release in dowloadable format the most comprehensive audio collection the poet ever produced. Volumes have been written about Ginsberg's poetry, but nothing substantial has been written about the songs. Why not? Because poetry is "literature" subject to "literary criticism," and music is not?
"Howl" is about family, friends, lovers, nations that go mad, or die, or try to.  Allen lost his mother, but found Jack Kerouac and friends. The magnitude of the loss meant that the find couldn't simply be an inspired group of intimates; it had to give birth to something, it had to change the world.  In a sense, it did.

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