Articles by: Vikram Zutshi

The ancient healing science disassembled me and pieced me back together into a new whole. There is no place on earth comparable to India for inducing a major shift in consciousness.
Grandfather spoke of Einstein's concept of the Space-Time Continuum as Mahakaal or Shiva, the ‘Lord of Time' whose dance drives the cosmic cycle of creation, preservation and dissolution. Einstein himself was drawn to Hindu philosophy.
Random thoughts rained down on me like multi-colored confetti. It took a huge effort to keep sitting and not storm off into the wilderness. I could feel toxic residues seeping from the subconscious and was constantly in the churn of a great battle, entirely within my own head till only the Witness remained at the edge of a swirling vortex.
Metaphysical and psychic phenomena have long existed on the fringes of conventional science and academia, in spite of extensive mention of these practices down the ages, across myriad cultures. That changed in 1995 when the CIA declassified a top secret program that had been training individuals in the esoteric science of "Remote Viewing."
Having had enough of the carnival sideshow that passed as yoga in the West, one day I found myself halfway around the world, in the charming city of Mysore, located in the southern Indian state of Karnataka, far removed from designer bodies and streamlined studios.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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