Articles by: Wendy Strgar

Real human face-to-face interaction affects everything from thinking skills to maintaining a healthy immune system. Now more than ever we need to teach and learn that real-time, real life relationships are the priority. Life is a social event, not a virtual one.
Marcus Aurelius wrote, "The sexual embrace can only be compared with music and with prayer." We are not trained well in love or sex or forgiveness, though they have the power to heal if we have the right intention and an open heart.
Which political party or candidate is more sexually healthy and promotes values consistent with sexual health?
All bodies come equipped with the tools for orgasm, yet without the proper education and opportunity to practice, many people never successfully achieve the synergy of mind, body and spirit to release this unique and revelatory experience.
The act of loving – in whatever form – requires a willingness to experience both the pain and the pleasure. This is the piece of sustaining loving relationships that is easy to miss, or at least misunderstand, and tragically the place where we walk away from the heart of what we want most.
I have been thinking about self-love lately, and not the emotional kind. The month of May has recently been named National Masturbation Month, in recognition of the most common sexual practice on the planet. It's not just for lonely people, either.
Loving another person is one of the most challenging and elevated skills to develop. Still, as complicated and messy as loving relationships can be, they are also the only avenue to the mind-blowing, wow-that-was-amazing sex we long for most.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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