Graffiti Artist Banksy Explores the Role of Tech in our Lives
U.K. artist Banksy has revealed some new graffiti artwork poignantly examining the encroaching level of tech into our social lives.
Andre Amador’s Playa Paintings Are Sandy Works of Art
Andres Amador lives in San Francisco, California. He brings a single rake to the beach, creating effervescent works of art that wash out with the tide.
NYC Photographer Captures Psychedelic Blizzard
During the NYC blizzard, Bmaffitt says he or she “pointed a video projector out the window” and captured falling snow in the strangest, most dazzling of ways.
Psychedelic and Grotesque Proto-Gifs of the 19th Century
Richard Balzer’s love affair began about 40 years ago, when he saw his first magic lantern – an early image projector invented in the 1600s. The experience would prove transformative. “I was just stunned,” he says. “I think I fell in love.”
“Stage of Mind”
Korean artist Jee Young Lee explores surreal and psychedelic spaces through set-design and photography. No Photoshop and the results are stunning.
B is for Birthday: The great Alan Moore turns 60 today
On his 40th birthday in 1993, Moore openly declared himself to be a magician:
“I believe that magic is art, and that art, whether that be music, writing, sculpture, or any other form, is literally magic… Indeed to cast a spell is simply to spell, to manipulate words, to change people’s consciousness, and this is why I believe that an artist or writer is the closest thing in the contemporary world to a shaman.”
RAM:ELL:ZEE: Gothic Futurist
Legendary graffiti artist RAMMELLZEE bombs the structures of the sneering hierarchy and levels the playing field, affirming truth as immanent in every moment and materializable through language.
Curative Currents: Emery Blagdon’s Healing Machine
In the 1950's, Emery Blagdon set out on a life-long quest to create a Healing Machine to harness those currents and provide physical and psychological healing.
Millions of Images: The Paintings of William S. Burroughs
2012 was a year of All-things-Burroughs. We had the On the Road film and a two-volume set
showcasing The Lost Art of Ah Pook and
currently The October Gallery in London is exhibiting his paintings, drawings, and
"talismanic objects."
Global Love Letters Celebrates 1st Birthday
Valentine's day will mark the 1st anniversary of the Global Love Letters movement, in which people worldwide disperse anonymous love letters around their local areas.