Elon Musk Talks Psychedelics

elon musk talks psychedelics

Should you take psychedelics? That’s definitely a personal choice that should be explored individually and in-depth. Taking psychedelics, whether it’s magic mushrooms or LSD, should be a fun, eye-opening, or growing experience. So, to preface, never take anything you’re not comfortable with and also please refrain from taking anything without doing your research!  Now that […]

How to Make Bad Trips Good

how to make bad trips good

Let’s cut to the chase: Bad trips happen. No matter how positive your intentions are beforehand, whether it’s your first time using psychedelics or you’re an experienced user, bad trips can happen to anyone. But a bad trip doesn’t have to stay bad — there are plenty of ways you can prepare for one or turn […]

Top 5 Creative Activities You Can Enjoy on Psychedelics

top five creative activities you can enjoy on psychedelics

Preparing for a psychedelic experience requires deciding what set, setting and dosage will be most conducive to your ideal trip. The right companions, nurturing environment and proper integration can all enhance anyone’s foray with psychedelics. If you are in need of inspiration,  the following are the top 5 creative activities that you can enjoy on […]

Book Review: ‘This Is Your Mind on Plants’

this is your mind on plants

Just as Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax speaks for the trees, writer, gardener and nature enthusiast Michael Pollan sheds light on the intersection of plants and the individuals and societies around them. His writing educates the reader on how the silent photosynthesizing majority influences and inspires their human counterparts. As 50 years of federally mandated drug […]

The Cosmic Giggle: Laughter and Psychedelics

the cosmic giggle laughter and psychedelics

Some psychedelic experiences feel sacred and profound while others leave us howling with laughter. Laughter is a common experience on psychedelics, from psilocybin mushrooms to cannabis.  Why is this?  Why are these mind-altering substances capable of tickling us in this way?  And is there a link between the profound metaphysical insights that psychedelics can occasion […]

What Would Happen if We Legalize All Psychedelics?

what would happen if we legalize all psychedelics

From the jungles of the Amazon to the desert expanses of the American southwest, indigenous cultures have long harnessed the power of psychedelic substances for their healing and spiritual properties. Today, western cultures are re-investigating the potential benefits of psychedelics, after the decades-long hiatus following the mass illegalization and criminalization of drug use at the […]

Taking Psychedelics Post-Breakup

taking psychedelics post breakup

The internet is full of tips and tricks for healing post-breakup. Join the gym! Block them! Give yourself time to heal! The merits of anyone else’s breakup advice can fall deaf on the ears of the brokenhearted. Navigating the post breakup experience can be emotionally messy and the stress of a relationship ending, like any […]

An Insight Into Psychedelic Stocks

psychedelic stocks what investors need to know

With the surrounding buzz, investors need to know what is happening with psychedelic stocks to ensure they’re investing in cutting-edge psychedelic companies.

Using Psychedelics to Improve Sex Health

using psychedelics to improve sex health 2

Aside from using psychedelics, like ketamine and psilocybin, to help treat depression and anxiety, researchers are now looking into how combining psychedelics and sex may help those struggling with sexual wellness. Sex can impact a person’s psychological, emotional and physical wellbeing. There are social and chemical advantages that may come from having sex. For instance, […]

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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