The Pan-African Use Of Psychedelic Mushrooms | Darren Spinger ~ ATTMind 91
In this (on-location) interview, Darren Springer talks about the ancient history of pan-African psychedelic use and travels forwards through time along the wings of mythology until the myths dissolve into the harsh reality of slavery, racism, and neighbourh…
The Art of Divine Inebriation: An Interview with Gwyllm Llwydd
From living next door to the Grateful Dead to a 80s new wave band with iconic guitarist Nels Cline to the psychedelic music, and spoken word stream Radio EarthRites to famed acid blotter art, Gwyllm Lwydd exemplifies a certain kind of renaissance man receiving too little attention in the media, and perhaps in history as well.
Multiple (and Subtle) Bodies: Entheogenic Incorporation in the Santo Daime Tradition (Part 2)
One of the amazing things about mediumship in the Santo Daime tradition is that our own neuroses and psychological complexes actually provide opportunities for suffering spirits to manifest themselves.
Multiple (and Subtle) Bodies: Entheogenic Incorporation in the Santo Daime Tradition (Part 1)
Every Santo Daime ritual, at least to a certain extent, is mediumistic in that the Daime is said to embody the consciousness of a vastly intelligent and compassionate divine Being, a Being that, for Santo Daime practitioners, is equated with the transformative Light and redemptive Love of the Christ.
Romancing the Toad
I traveled to Mexico City last month to attend the World Bufo Alvarius Congress (WBAC), bufo alvarius. The gathering in Mexico City July 27-29, 2018, was the first of its kind to assemble in one room a few hundred people who had all experienced this sacred medicine.
Crisis and Ceremony
Drinking ayahuasca is like letting the forest and all the laws that govern it into your body. This medicine shows you what is really there, who you really are, what this really is. If you’ve been telling yourself stories or spackling over holes, the jig is up as soon as you enter the circle.
Doing the Plant’s Bidding: Reflections on the Congreso de Plantas Sagradas en Las Américas
Could plants have a different, more complex set of desires beyond the proverbial task of being fruitful and multiplying? Could it be that somehow, via the mysterious matrix of molecular manipulation, plants could express ulterior, unknown desires?
We Don’t Know Sh!t | Dennis McKenna ~ ATTMind 67
Chances are if it wasn’t for Dennis McKenna and his brother Terence, none of us would have ever tasted the magic at all.
How the Shamanic Medicine Iboga can Resolve and Heal Childhood Trauma
The journey itself is an adventure through the timeless realms of consciousness and the cosmos, looking at the entire library of information about one’s life, and making corrections and connections to rewrite the present by re-integrating the past and understanding the future.
A Loving Criticism of Terence McKenna
In this video, I explore some of the criticisms of Terence McKenna that have been showcased on my podcast, as well as my own thoughts on him and his ideas.