DMT and the Mainstreaming of Psychedelics | Rick Strassman MD ~ ATTMind Ep. 65
Rick Strassman MD is on the show to touch on how he feels about the impact his work with DMT has had on psychedelic research and the psychedelic subculture. We also talk god, prophecy, and even politics.
Building a Modern Eleusis
The Second Psychedelic Revolution is instinctively creating modern mystery schools, and these movable temples of music, dance, and art are the closest things our society has to true portals to transcendence.
Integrating Ayahuasca (and “her” voice in your head) with Rachel Harris Ph.D.
What does ayahuasca integration mean and how do we do it? This is the question our guest for this episode, Rachel Harris Ph.D., has been exploring intensely through research, clinical practice, and her own direct experiences.
Trip Reports: Positive or Problematic?
Psychedelic trip reports are a dime a dozen these days. Some of them are incredibly valuable and some might actually cause more harm than good.
Dying to Live: The Power of Transcendence in the Treatment of Existential Anxiety
Through their experience with psychedelics, individuals may be able to transcend their primary identification with their physical bodies and experience ego-free states, which in turn may generate a new perspective and acceptance.
Observations from 4000 LSD Sessions: A Dialogue with Stanislav Grof
A conversation with Stanislav Grof about LSD research and LSD-assisted psychotherapy.
The Healing Wisdom of the Serpent
While the DNA double helix may well be the source of serpent visions in ayahuasca at the molecular level, another source at the ordinary botanical level could be that the ayahuasca potion is a concoction of the bark of the snakelike vine Banisteriopsis caapi and the leafy DMT-containing plant Psychotria viridis.
The Latest Piece on Psychedelic Science in the New York Times is Dead Wrong
In perpetuating baseless myths under the guise of objective science, this article does far more harm than good.
The Holy Mountain Revisited: Going Gonzo at the Zorthian Ranch’s Summer of Love
It was here at the Ranch’s grand 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Summer of Love that we chose to investigate, worship, and sip up the surviving spirit of the 60’s, especially now under the shadow of the Trump regime.
The Man who Turned On the World: Nick Sand, Orange Sunshine LSD chemist, Dies at 75
The undaunted spirit and psychedelic warrior of love and light, Nick Sand, the outlaw chemist, died in his sleep on Monday April 24th at the age of 75.