Twin Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse


Behold the Janus-headed chimera of evil, the clownsnake, Trumputin. (an earlier version of this article was blank, but now it is whole)

Standing Rock: A Change of Heart


I am told by Native American friends active at Standing Rock that the elders are counseling the Water Protectors to undertake each action prayerfully and to stay off the warpath. I would like to explain why this advice is not only spiritually sound, but politically astute as well.

From Burning Man to Standing Rock

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An in-depth conversation with Bianca Heyming: herbalist, healer, co-founder of the eco-village and intentional community Emerald Village in California, Burner, and Standing Rock water protector.

Why Black Friday Matters

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During this annual Thursday that I now call Black Friday Eve, my thoughts and feelings turn with joyous exuberance to this day that has come to remind us of what this country is all about and what really brings us together.

Virtual Reality at Standing Rock: An Interview with Jeris JC Miller

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Jeris JC Miller is a global leader in social media, and a member of Shifting POV, a collective of virtual and augmented reality film makers, educators and artists that are documenting the Standing Rock protests. In this interview, she shares her eyewitness report of the brutality perpetrated against peaceful water protectors by law enforcement on Nov. 20.

Goth Movement Consolidating Power in Europe


Few European cities allow for such a single-sub-culture immersive experience as Gothenberg, Sweden, the second most populous single-subculture city in Europe after Germany’s Emoberg.

Dispatch from the Trumpocalypse


Elections, like market fluctuations, are driven by animal spirits, and sometimes the driving animal spirit is a rabid dog.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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