Burning Man Re-Embered 2019
Intro to burning man 2019: It’s almost that time again. As I write this, the ‘man burns’ in 10 days. That’s what they say… you know, “burners”. It’s the best party I’ve ever been to. The best party I will ever go to outside of my own death (I presume). And I just feel lucky […]
Goddess of Chaos Weds at Discordian Festival!
The Cosmic Trigger Experience ends with spontaneous wedding of creator Daisy Campbell.
Event Producers’ Solution Session Retreat
On October 16th, 39 event producers, network weavers, and software developers gathered at Harbin Hot Springs for a 4 day retreat to discuss the future of events in the emerging culture often called “transformational”.
We Don’t Know: Reflections on the New Story Summit
What is exciting to me is the possibility that the NSS marks a transition into a different kind of gathering entirely, no longer a conference, but perhaps more like a festival or a retreat, or something that is all and none of these things, something new, something edgy, something experimental, something destined to succeed and to fail, and thereby to illuminate the next step beyond. What else can we hope for, as we explore this mapless place between stories?
Rehearsing for the Future at Boom Festival
We are seeing festival culture move beyond being merely a hedonistic playground and into a realm where radical engagement can occur. On a recent pilgrimage to Boom festival I witnessed a vibrant resurgence of psychedelic culture, a strong sense of oneness in a sea of global cultures, and a devout application of ecological principles.
A Love Letter to the Temple Guardians of Burning Man
In 2013, camera in hand, I arrived on the playa with clear intent. No more was there a dilemma between spectator and participant, between giver and taker. I came to make an offering to the Guardians. But there was something I had to do first.
Evolver at Gratitude*NYC is Looking for Presenters
Evolver and Gratitude*NYC are collaborating to produce an entire day’s worth of music festival awesomeness on the Solstice.
The Occult Humanities Conference
Come to the The Occult Humanities Conference on Oct. 18-20 at NYU for lectures, art, and entertainment centered around the occult.
God and Beyond
Join Howard Bloom for a reading from his new book, The God Problem: How a Godless Cosmos Creates, and a dialogue on science and religion with Sadek Bazaraa in NYC, Dec. 8.
Let The Global Summit 2012 Begin
Evolver is a proud media sponsor of The Global Summit 2012 in London, a biennial meeting in that brings together London based students, professionals and olymic travelers to explore the ways in whcih we can fight climate change and poverty in our current economic climate.