What Is The Best Feed System For Machining Bars?

Choosing the right feeder is one of the most important decisions that a shop responsible for machining bars can make. These feed systems help to improve productivity, throughput and quality – but in order to receive the most benefit from the system.

Obama urges FCC to regulate broadband as a utility

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President Obama today urged the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to reclassify broadband service as a utility and to impose rules that prevent Internet service providers from blocking and throttling traffic or prioritizing Web services in exchange for payment. Obama also said utility rules should apply both to home Internet service and mobile broadband.

The Artificial Human

The Artificial Human

With the growing trend moving towards technology at an alarming rate is there a danger to the latent nature within the human organism? To be incessantly always moving and distracted is leading our world into a psychological disease that will be irreversible.

Could Cannabis-Based Batteries Be The Future?

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Another win for the cannabis industry. On top of its vast medicinal benefits and a “high” that’s safer and mellower than alcohol, what if cannabis could also power a cheap, sustainable super battery and forever change the energy game?

Watch 1,000 Robots in Biggest Programmable SwarmYet

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Alone, the simple little robot can’t do much, shuffling around on three vibrating tooth-pick legs. But working with 1,000 or more like-minded fellow bots, it becomes part of a swarm that can self-assemble into any two-dimensional shape. These are some of th…

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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