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The original Santa might have been an Amanita muscaria mushroom shaman. Read all about the Santa Shaman and discover untold Christmas origin stories.
In a ceremony, everything matters and we attend to every detail. As we approach ecological healing with a ceremonial mind, more and more becomes visible for our attention.
Look across the event horizon into the singularity archetype and what it reveals about our individual and collective metamorphosis.
The Singularity Archetype governs the expectations and mediates the actuality of what we experience crossing two parallel event horizons: death and eschaton.
The worship of nature may unite us more than anything else and allow us to overcome doctrinal discrepancies that are relatively unimportant if considered from the perspective of human culture as a whole.
Once the late ’60s boom in acid culture and acid cinema had dissipated, the psychedelic movie became another component of the fringe and the experimental, something to recur and be revived at intervals, a pattern that continues into the present.
More than any other figure in popular culture, David Bowie embodied and personified androgyny and the “Singularity Archetype
The plant magician seeks congress with a living embodied spirit of a green feral kind, with an intelligence that brings the gifts of healing, divination, wisdom and growth, as well as darker needs and power.
Today Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of's a great day to discuss the mythology of Hermes and to eliminate some of the the negative hype surrounding Mercury retrogrades.
Orchid See, Orchid Do is an exploration of the hypothesis that biomimicry in nature could be inspired by a sense of sight and intelligence at the cellular level.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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