Search Results for: country's political

On Sept. 13, 30 members of our Eco-Institute community rented a BioDiesel bus and joined, Senator Bernie Sanders, Honor the Earth lawyer Tara Houska, DreamCorps Founder Van Jones, Chase IronEyes, and other representatives of the Standing Rock Sioux ...
Earth is a blue jewel in our solar system—the water-rich planet. Will we use our emerging crises to employ harmonious technologies to restore watersheds, cleanse rivers and oceans, and ultimately create a higher civilization?
I recently interviewed Chinese artist and social activist Ai Weiwei, whose dissident art has made him a target of the Chinese government. We discussed the importance of free expression, China's history, and why China's current system is failing.
The public is not just a bunch of isolated disengaged individuals. It is the people in the sense of Lincoln’s memorable phrase “a government of the people, by the people, for the people.” When I talk about public wisdom I mean that the public has latent wisdom that can be brought out and then spoken by its public voice — the voice of the people. People can and must empower their public wisdom to have real impact in the world. 
Send a letter expressing your outrage on behalf of fourteen traditional healers murdered in Peru.
The author is invited to join a progressive coalition to monitor the 2004 election, and finds himself in the middle of the third stolen election in four years.
In Oaxaca, comunalidad is the sustaining principle behind an ancestral, yet still new and unique civilizing process -- one that holds back the decrepit individualization of knowledge, power, and culture.
To change our consciousness, to take advantage of the ascent that continues to occur even in the darkest hour of planetary crisis, we need only realize the example of the whole Earth, the Earth we see from outer space. This is the place to begin, for this is not only where we are, but who we are.
While England and the other European nations saw exploitation as the natural scheme of things, America’s founders had a more enlightened understanding of how to thrive without exploiting or being exploited. What if each nation had a mission for maximizing happiness in the world, in its own unique way?
Might Christian prophecy, as expressed in John's Book of Revelation, have insights as to the real significance of the Maya Long Count end date of December 21, 2012? A new book from Lindisfarne/Steiner Books suggests this.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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