Articles by: Dieter Duhm

We need a new foundation for human culture, a new concept for the cohabitation of our planet and for the co-existence of humankind will all fellow beings. It is contained within the higher world order, which we call the 'Sacred Matrix' and it is anchored in the genes of every living being, at least as a potentiality.
There are no ready-made laws and no ultimate physical laws pertaining to our bodies. There are only entrenched behavioral habits and there is a freedom within ourselves that enables us to rise to a higher form of life.
After the 1968 student movement in Germany, Dieter Duhm, one of the movement's intellectual leaders, began a research project for building a concrete utopia. The project today has its base in the international Tamera Peace Center in Portugal. In 1981, Dieter wrote the book Towards a New Culture, now published in English for the first time. 

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