Articles by: VerDarLuz

I was fortunate to attend Psychedemia in Philadelphia and felt blessed to participate in the highest expression of the current Uranus-Pluto square, the transit defining the 2010‘s.
The first few exact alignments may be a little more rough and tumble than the later alignments as we brace ourselves through the shifts.  We must purge our extra weight, which includes unleashing unconscious control issues, challenging us to reinvent ourselves as we destroy the old patterns and move beyond our previous limits.
From 2010 to 2016, the planets Uranus and Pluto face off in a tense, dynamic square. In a sense, the first 5 years of the 2010s, each individual and all aspects of culture and social structure are being pummeled, remolded, and transfigured by the relentless Uranus-Pluto force.
The astrological camera lens is both macro and telephoto. First, it widens your horizons of understanding, interdependently linking what may seem distant and disparate elements. Simultaneously, it microscopically magnifies the totality of your internal and external environment to reveal the rich and complex hologram of life
Two mammoth cosmic events take place this week, both of which highlight the mercurial messenger in all of us: the Solar Eclipse and Venus retrograde. It is a time of personal growth and mental stimulation. May both inspire us to play and enjoy the endless proces of learning.
Astrocartography is one of many techniques that can be applied in the enlightening art and science of Astrolocality or Relocation Astrology. Where do you want to be for December 21st, 2012?
This Full Moon's motifs of the disciplined warrior of sincere effort echo much of the recent rebellious, but grounded fervor in the United States since the Sun's entry into the sign of Lady Justice, Libra.  A massive movement, whose fire first smoldered in New York, has now ignited citizens across the country. 
Although tempted to commit to projects or risky ventures, we should be very careful with so many planets in Aries, and with Mercury retrograde, now is not the ideal time to make commitments or contractual agreements, but the best time to reflect and plan ahead. Aries is very aware of the impermanence of life and lives by the motto "seize the day."
Often, knowing our power as creators and healers, we are overwhelmed with multidimensional awareness, our abundance of gifts to share, our desire to expand into our infinite potential.  This can challenge us to make decisions about where to apply our creative energy and how to develop our healing gifts. 
The Egyptian protests broke out just as two fiery planetary giants met in the sky -- the Sun moved into a conjunction with Mars in the sign of Aquarius: the radical visionary, the revolutionaries who fight for freedom, who unite in a cause for liberated rights for all.

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