Evolver Talks at LIB


Evolver is proud to hosts a series of talks and workshops at the Lightening in a Bottle Festival this week in Temecula, CA.

Remember to Bounce: Reflecting on Sonic Bloom


My experience at Sonic Bloom 2012 inspired me to examine the dreams and
feelings in the background of transformational festivals, the value of
psychedelics, and the controversial notion that we can control our own

Transformational Festivals Are a Symptom of Dissociation

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I have dedicated years of my life to the aims and values of transformational festival culture. But I cannot feel the conversation is complete without acknowledging that the very existence of transformational festivals poses as much of a problem as a solution.

Artificial Paradises

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To an outsider, Brazil may seem like an easygoing and morally loose
society. We do have, in some ways, an easy-going, openhearted
nature. But in truth, we have a profoundly moralistic ethos inherited
from our Roman Catholic colonization. It makes dealing with
the chaotic amorality of the rave scene's bacchanalia difficult.

Incendiary Person in the Desert Carnival Realm (A Burning Man Story)


I had come to the High Desert Carnival Realm with a magical agenda: to
ritualize the experience by associating the Incendiary Person with
aspects of myself that I wanted to transform, aspects I linked to
Thanatos, the death drive, so that the burning would parallel my intention to transcend. 

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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