In Pursuit of Safer Highs: Harm Reduction with DanceSafe’s Rachel Clark

harm reduction

Since at least prohibition, anxiety has governed America’s disastrous relationship with substance use. As the 20th century increasingly saw anti-drug sentiment used to fuel moral crusades from “saving the children” to quashing perceived threats against whiteness, “Just Say No” became the mantra of a culture that neither understood addiction nor possessed the language to interrogate […]

Fentanyl Kills More People Than Guns


An edited version of Ben Westhoff and Joe Rogan’s talk on the fentanyl and opioid crisis, how psychedelics are helping, and the importance of education.

Shaman on a Mission to Defeat Putin

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A shaman is marching 8,000 kilometers to expel Putin, who he believes is a manifestation of dark forces, in order to save Russian from ruin.

Defend the Sacred Manifesto

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In August 2017, activists from around the world – indigenous elders and youth from North America, (including initiators from Standing Rock), Colombia, Israel, Palestine, Brazil, Kenya, the Philippines, Europe and 35 countries in total – gathered in Tamera Peace Research and Education Center in Portugal to collaborate and envision a global alliance to defend the sacred.

Brushes with the Mainstream

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The spirit of Gandhi and King, waxing strong on the margins of the political world in peace villages and restorative justice circles and ground-level community building, is taking form once again as a politics of love.

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