Life-Enhancing Substances and Making Love

A fresh take on how life-enhancing substances can deepen intimacy, promote emotional healing, and transform personal connections in mature relationships.
Psychedelics and Queerness

Do psychedelics and queerness go together? And could psychedelics provide support for sexually marginalized groups?
Having Sex on Cannabis

Whether partnered or solo, physical sexual expression provides more than just opportunities for pleasure: a good sex life can boost immune function, mood and libido. For folks who enjoy cannabis, smoking and getting down may seem to go hand in hand — but others see the bedroom as a bad place for potential negative reactions […]
Psychedelics and Sex: Get the Spark Back
There is growing research on the benefits of psychedelics for a myriad of psychological conditions. From boosting mood, alleviating depression or anxiety and even treating PTSD, psychedelics give new hope to people unable to find relief. Though there is limited research regarding psychedelics’ effects on sexual health, sexual specialists believe that psychedelics could be helpful […]
The Long and Winding Road to Good Sex
Over the years, my sexuality has changed and changed and changed again. Sometimes it does get weird, in a delightful way. When I greet sex with openness and acceptance, the possibilities are endless.
Polyamory: Moving Beyond Identity into Revolutionary Love
Polyamory can be a sort of “revolutionary love,” problematizing old narratives of relationships and creating new ones. The ability to connect deeply with other human beings begins to melt away narratives of us vs. them that exist under monogamous ideology.
Lust Is the Teacher: Vladimir Solovyov’s Sexual Love
What if we took lust and desire seriously as a form of wisdom and meaning, not just chemical response? What if lust is a sort of faithfulness? What if lust is the ideal of love and not the other way around?
How To Fight Sexual Shame: Amber Hollibaugh, Edward Carpenter, and the Strength of Vulnerability
Wherever you have a secret, that is where you are vulnerable. I learned to move toward the vulnerability, instead of retreating from it. By becoming vulnerable intentionally, through the effort of honesty and openness, we become strong.
Impossible Pleasure: Charles Fourier’s Queer Theories
Charles Fourier believed that we’d been bamboozled into a dead-end corner of culture, with no room to move. Guarding that corner was the concept of the family, and especially the monogamous married couple.
Sex is Liberation: Paschal Beverley Randolph’s Divine Sexual Freedom
If you want to understand why sexual freedom is so threatening to people and institutions in power, masturbation is a good place to start.